These three pieces represent a series, and the sigils in them are all related to finding and following one’s destiny line. Although they go very well together—I have all three in my main living area—they can also stand alone as individual pieces.
Carl Jung believed that dreams hold a teleological function—they are calling you towards something. If enough work is completed with the shadow and inner complexes, the psyche comes into a state of alignment that allows this destiny line to be found and followed. This has been a theme through my life and inner work. I once had the dream that it was my job to support others in discovering their own destiny lines. I think the work I do both individually and in groups is very much to this end.
The Jumping Off Point
This piece represents the courage to turn one’s ear towards the underworld of dreams: the courage to dive into the unconscious waters, not knowing what will be found.
Facing Past Demons
This painting represents the traumatic moments of the past that often arise early in the dreamwork process. We all have such moments, to varying degrees, in our psyches; facing them, engaging with them, and understanding them through the lens of the present is essential for eventually breaking through to new ground and not being caught in the enormous power of the repetition compulsion that is at the heart of traumatic memories. It is paradoxically the desire to flee, ignore, or minimize the difficult past that binds one to fatefully repeat it in various forms.
Approaching Destiny
In this piece, the young woman dancer is reaching out towards the dreams that are pulling her forward. This is represented by the tiny lapis blue dot at the top of the sigil, which she reaches for. This image reinforces how important it is to work as deeply and vigilantly as possible with one’s life- and destiny-affirming dreams when they present themselves.