“There is hardly any activity, any enterprise, which is started with such tremendous hopes and expectations, and yet, which fails so regularly, as love.”
Love, like water, has still ponds, rushing rivers, waterfalls, deep lakes, tidal waves, and tsunamis. When the flow of love fades or surges into unknown territory, can we find the courage to follow it and hear the hidden voices beneath the flow that offer meaning to the journey and insight into where it is trying to guide us?
Like walking a labyrinth, as we navigate the territory of the heart, we can find ourselves close to the elusive center, but a moment later be swept off to the wilds of the outer edges, with the central goal seemingly lost forever. And conversely, we can be traveling the outer reaches of the labyrinth, then make one turn and find ourselves in possession of that stone in the centre that represents the ultimate union.
Freud felt that love and work were the two most essential components of life, and the cornerstones of our humanity. Most of us spend a great deal of time and energy cultivating skills, studying, and preparing for the work of our life (with regards to career and vocation), but very little time is invested in the work that is necessary to grow our capacities for and understanding of love. Jung believed that a great portion of life should be devoted to the internal work of individuation, which is symbolized by an inner marriage or harmony of the masculine and feminine aspects of the self.
In my own studies of depth psychology, there was a moment when the insight vibrated through me that everything I had thought was love was not. This course is the result of that moment nearly thirty years ago. It set me on a path of research (inner and outer), study, writing, and teaching—my own depth inquiry into what love is, and my imagining of what it could be. My thinking, the course materials, and the concepts have gone through many evolutions and re-visionings, but all of the material originates in my own lived experience and where that experience has intersected with depth psychological theory. The two have informed each other in significant ways, together becoming something that neither would have been on its own.
I share with you in this course only that which resonates as deep truth, that which has moved my own soul. Along the path, there have been many descents, twists, turns, open spaces, and sharp edges, but in essence, it has been a path with heart that has always pushed me further into unknown territory. As I researched, synchronicities (points where the conscious and unconscious intersect meaningfully) entered my life to help me embody the knowledge further. This course is not about those synchronicities but about the labyrinth itself—the structure that allowed for the movements and insights into deepening my own understanding and experience of love. What I offer you here are the tools for navigating your own labyrinth.
This course is designed for clinicians working in the field of psychology with individuals and couples, and for anyone who is interested in deepening their understanding of the complex and varied psychological and archetypal nuances of love and relationship.
The video lectures and modules offer a wealth of insight into the invisible forces acting behind relationship attractions, choices, and history. The course was originally developed by Dr. Mozol to teach at Pacifica Graduate Institute in the PhD program for Jungian and Archetypal Depth Psychology. Over the many years that she taught the course, it developed further. After taking a five-year sabbatical from teaching, Dr. Mozol came back to this material, reworking and deepening it for this online format. While the courses addresses complex psychological theory and dynamics, the emphasis is on making this critical material available and accessible to all.
Course / Learning Objectives
Apply the depth psychological concepts of projection and projective identification through personal reflections on lived experience, and develop an understanding of the archetypal nuances present in the projective dynamics.
Explore the Jungian concept of shadow in relation to eros.
Explore and critique the Jungian concepts of anima and animus through readings, exercises, and an analysis of Oscar Wilde’s play Salomé.
Consider how the archetypes of anima, animus, shadow, and self affect romantic attractions and relationships. Develop an understanding of the evolution of the theories of anima/animus in the field of depth psychology, and connect this to your personal individuation journey and relationship history.
Understand the evolving archetypal pairs of Hades/Persephone, Theseus/Ariadne, Salomé/The Prophet, and Dionysus/Sophia as the individuating masculine and feminine energies in the collective climate.
Develop an understanding of the complex symbolism of the four tasks that Oural/Psyche must perform before being reunited with Eros—the four psychological tasks necessary to unite soul (Psyche) and love (Eros).
Reflect on and consider the importance of honouring diversity and the unique autonomy of all individuals in relation to sexual orientation, gender identity, and sexual lifestyle choices, and be able to express why these diverse understandings are essential to developing a more compassionate and tolerant worldview—a worldview that honours anima mundi.
Consider heartbreak as an opportunity for initiation into deeper levels of consciousness and for escape from repetition compulsion and intergenerational relational patterns.
Gain a basic understanding of the complexity and eloquence of Freud’s original theory of sexuality—what Christine Downing refers to as a mythology of sexuality.
Deepen your understanding of the effects that living in a patriarchal society has on sexuality, relationships, and archetypal dimensions of the feminine.
Module 1 - Welcome & Intro
Module 3 - Anima and Animus
Module 5 - Separation and Betrayal: Death in the House of Love
Module 7 - A Clinical View: Narcissism and Borderline
Module 9 - Psyche and Eros
Module 2 - Projection and Projective Identification
Module 4 - Theseus and Ariadne: The Hero and the Anima Woman
Module 6 - Salomé and the Prophet
Module 8 - Sexuality
Module 10 - Conclusion: Where Is It All Going?
Want a sneak peak? Click through to view Module One and for a detailed summary of each module
Guidelines for How to Navigate the Course
You are recommended to complete the course in three to four months. This leaves time between the modules for integration of the previous module and reflection on the material. It depends on the time you have available to devote to this exploration in your life at present, and how much you wish to allow for the vicissitudes of life.
The course consists of ten modules, each with a video talk/lecture component, exercises, and reading assignments. C.S. Lewis’ Till We Have Faces is assigned as the primary required book for the course. This will have to be purchased separately and can be found on Amazon for approximately $20 Canadian. The course can be done without the book, but it is strongly recommended that you read it while completing the course, as it will deepen your understanding of many of the core themes. Till We Have Faces is supplemented with articles and book chapters from some of the rock stars of depth psychology (past and present), authors who will spark insights and new ways of thinking about your relationship history and sexuality. These articles and chapters are included in the course in PDF format for download. An extended reading list and recommended film list are also included if you should choose to read, view, and research more deeply any of the course modules and topics. Most of these films and books should be easy to locate, however, some may require a bit of research. The exercises at the end of each module are designed to integrate the material with your own lived experience. You are strongly encouraged to do these exercises, as they will have transformative impacts. The average video portion of each module runs approximately 30–45 minutes.
There will be periodic updates to the course in order to maintain and optimize the learning environment. For example, new PDFs, exercises, and images may be added and/or existing ones changed out.
Self Study - Work at your own pace
Not everyone can afford an advanced degree in psychology or a formal depth analysis, and sometimes even if finances are not an obstacle, it can be hard to find the time. The beauty of these courses is that they are designed for self-study and thus can be worked at your own pace.
Modular Approach
Each course has ten modules, which include video lectures, images, readings (usually one book is recommended as required reading for you to purchase, plus many articles and book chapters included as PDF files), exercises, and suggestions.
Support Available
Dr. Mozol is available to answer basic questions related to the online modules and exercises.
If you would like more in-depth feedback, you are free to book an hourly session by phone or Skype and send me the dream material prior to our meeting. I charge $250 plus GST for these individual consultations and can accommodate when I have space open in my schedule.
*Purchase here for immediate lifetime access.
*$550 USD introductory offer
Please note: due to the experiential nature of digital materials we do not offer refunds for our online classes. Please be sure to read the entire course page and take advantage of our free sneak peak at Module One, along with summaries of each module, to get a sense of the course before you purchase it.
*plus any applicable taxes
*lifetime access is offered for as long as the course is hosted online at dreamworktheatre.com